Lead compound optimization

Lead compound optimization: transforming hits into market-ready drugs 

The pharmaceutical industry faces a harsh reality: 90% of drug candidates fail to reach the market. Identifying the most promising lead compound from a pool of potential candidates is crucial for successful drug development. Here’s where Inoviem Scientific and our innovative NPOT® technology come in. 

The challenge of lead qualification

Traditionally, qualifying a compound as a “lead” involves a lengthy and expensive process. Researchers must evaluate numerous factors, including the compound’s druggability (its potential to be a successful drug), potency, and potential side effects. 

NPOT® Technology: accelerating lead selection

At Inoviem, we leverage our transformative NPOT® technology to significantly streamline lead compound optimization. This approach offers several key advantages: 

  • Faster druggability assessment: NPOT® technology allows rapid profiling of a large number of compounds for their druggability potential. 
  • Rapid lead identification: Within just four weeks of study, we can help you identify the most promising lead compound for further development. 
  • Reduced time and cost: This fast turnaround translates to significant cost and time savings compared to traditional methods. 

Optimizing your development pipeline

The benefits extend beyond initial lead selection. Once the target for the lead compound is validated, you can revisit your initial pool of candidates: 

  • Target-based ranking: Rank the remaining compounds based on their interaction with the validated target, allowing you to prioritize those with the highest potential. 
  • Back-up options: These promising candidates can serve as valuable backups in case further development of the lead compound encounters unforeseen challenges. 

By leveraging NPOT® technology and our expertise in lead compound optimization, you can significantly increase the success rate of your drug development pipeline.  

Understand the Mode of Action of your compound

Identify and validate drug-target engagement

Lead compound optimization

Patient stratification and biomarkers discovery

Indication priorization

Identify biomarkers and clinical pharmacology

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